Mood Swings

Monday, September 25, 2006

Note on Orkut

For people like me till few months back it was (may be still is) just an online community thing/site which come and go wherein you get an invite, you register out of courtesy sake, check for few days and after few months don’t even remember the login Id and password for the same. People used to ask me “Are you on Orkut?” and my usual reply was “Nah re”. However 2 months back I finally got an invite (after asking my friend for the same) and registered. Now I have my few colleagues/ex-colleagues/friends/cousins on the same though my usual communication happens on phone, chat & mails only however I must admit, it was real fun the initial few weeks, searching old friends, looking for communities, reading profiles (some really weird), also sometimes sneaking in the scrapbooks of strangers and what not. Now though that initial charm is fading, I must admit, it gave me a chance to come across people (without there knowing them) and know them to a certain extent. I wonder the kind of communication they put on public display, why they don’t prefer to put those words in mails or chat! Anyways, me nobody to comment on that, just that I came across some interesting findings.

1. Orkut clearly seems to satisfy in fact prove the theory of “Six Degree of Separation”.
2. Altogether new lingo on Orkut which is its very own vocabulary created by “Orkutians” like “Orkutmania”, “Orkuticide”.
3. Though users on Orkut are of every age but majority of Orkutmaniacs belong to 18-25 age group and I must admit after reading there scrapbooks (with due apologies) they are way ahead and they make good use of these sites for expanding their contacts, careers, friends and also making good use of official time in doing unofficial job.
4. Google just seem to come up undisputedly with the best of everything (my personal opinion and should be rewarded for promoting) be it search engine, gmail, gtalk, orkut or picasa.

Seeing the growth and acceptance rate of Orkut (among youngsters), I wonder if the Orkut lingo is getting added to the Dictionary in the coming years ;-)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Do scores in school matter?

The common topic during lunch sessions is normally a flashback of childhood days. Just that the sub-topic keeps on changing ranging from pranks played in schools, excuses made for not going to school, playing in general, comics, festival craze, old black and white TVs and few options on the only channel but still cherishing them to what not. Those were the days!! Anyways coming back to present, today’s post lunch conversation, somehow brought back the memories of my school mates and raised a big question in my mind that where are all of them today professionally. Then percentage, rank used to matter a lot. It would not be exaggeration to state that intelligence was directly linked to percentage scored. Though me was never a part of the same and so always considered myself average. So many years down the line, today if I see and compare few of my classmates, I can firmly say that academic scores are no way indicative of a good or bright career. Nature vs Nurture debate also doesn’t hold true in this context so what can it be contributed to? Some argue that its exposure after school days and later, which decides how your professional career will shape up but my eccentric mind wonder is it something that people call destiny? Ah may be I found a topic for a later post.

First Post

This is a welcome post for myself may be :-) The reason of my creating a blog was more of a temptation born out of surfing blogs of my friends and random blogs i land up on. So thought of giving it a try. So keep coming on this page if you want to know what all go in my eccentric mind. Till then Happy surfing!!!