Mood Swings

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Life is nothing but struggle. Irrespective of country, religion, profession, age or gender, all of us are living our lives and struggling for something or the other. As during a course of general discussion I was told yesterday that we live for temporary “kicks” wherein we think “If that would have been the case, I would be happier”, without realizing that its not the destination we are aiming for but we are just heading towards a new kick. Achieving one kick does give us a respite but soon we aim for the next kick.

So what is life? Is it just a constant struggle for achieving these small kicks?

My answer would be “NO”. Life is a struggle for happiness. So a key to a happy and satisfied life is identifying what will make us truly happy. We as normal humans tend to look for this happiness in external entities (person/things/events) whereas we don’t understand that ultimately happiness is within us. We associate it with external factors. If we start looking for contentment within, we might be a very satisfied person in life.

However believe me, I am very much into worldly pleasures and not planning to achieve Self Actualization. After all i am human!!


Living day by day, I am a chirpy bird all the while
With my share of ups and downs, living my life with a constant smile
I am cheerful, living in my own lonesome virtual world.
Not complaining either, to even the real world!
You are my hope that I think would make me alive
Would make my dreams real and take me for a stride

Now i am lost. Need help in finishing up this prose. :-)

Thursday, November 09, 2006


I remember feeling very strongly about Mattoo's case when i first read it in newspaper in 1996 and was really disheartened when Singh was set free. Atlast Mr. C L Mattoo got justice and i am really happy that there is still hope. I was really looking forward to Jessica's case however now the going gets tougher as Mr. Jethmalani has stepped in. I am here not to discuss these issues as already a lot has been said by media and bloggers. Still i wanted to give it a space on my blog to show my support and what better way than versifying the things.

She was to finish her law school
When the evil started to drool
She complained, as she was no fool
Alas gone with a stroke was Mattoo
10 years of arduous struggle
Atlast turned Singh into a muggle

A cute lil girl dared to aim high
Dreamt to carve a niche in sky
Jessica dared think helping wont hurt
A bullet from Manu fired in a spirt
Here Jethmalani comes in to save a lie

I apologise if my way of expression is not acceptable. However it is not to hurt anyone's feeling.